NGC 4388

by 크롱크롱파닥파닥


not available

The functions provided by NGC 4388 are as follows.1. Fixing the volume key with the media key: This function is used to prevent accidental downspeed of the ringer volume, not the media volume, when the volume is turned off quickly.
2. Provide detailed media volume as double steps of common case.(Entirely 30 steps, more 10 steps when your volume guage under 1-bar)*But this function is beta-version and it uses master-volume, so you have caution when using this function.(If master volume is 10%, then Alarm or Ring tone also 10% of common case.)
3. Silent function when shooting camera: It is used for self-portrait, baby picture, and animal picture. It is prohibited to use for illegal use.
4. Search for cell phone with specific characters: This function is to turn off silent mode and maximize the ringer volume to make it easier to find when it is hard to find after losing a phone in the house.
5. Screen On Extension: This function is to prevent screen off during Internet or community reading.When set, the screen turn-on time is set to maximum (the screen turn-off time is restored when the function is turned off or rebooted).
6. Set the screen to darker: Set the screen brightness to a darker setting to prevent glare when viewing the phone late at night.
Required permission descriptionAllow accessibility - to determine if a specific app (camera) is running and need to activate the featureSMS receiving right - Receiving SMS to function requiredRun at boot - If there is a set function, it is necessary to turn on and off the phonePrevention of power saving mode - When SMS is received and the phone is detected, it automatically notifies the activity for 30 seconds, so the screen does not turn offDisable screen lock - To use SMS even when screen locked when searching phoneChange audio settings - Need to adjust audio volumeAllow to write system settings - required to change system settings to extend screen on timeAllow to draw on top of other apps - because you need to overlay the dark layout when making the screen darker
Plan for updates:Improving Stability
-NGC 4388 does not require advertising and unnecessary permissions.- Do not use for illegal or commercial purposes.